Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Tired. And emotional.

Working at home again today. Was upset and still awake at 2am, then woke up again at 5. So feel tired today. Luckily I have plenty to do, and had a chat with my lovely boss on the phone this morning to arrange some work stuff for the next few days.

Kevin the decorator has finished the ceiling in the spare room, put the first coat of paint on all the woodwork, and done the first coat of paint on the walls. Pale blue, if you were wondering. It might be finished tomorrow which gives me time to get the floor cleaned, the rug back down (no carpet yet) and rebuild the furniture before Mr WithaY gets home on Friday night.

I have been drafting another mega presentation which I have to give to a Very Important Person next week, and before that at a pre-meeting meeting, so I need to get a copy to my boss by the end of today so he can "edit for tone".

Trouble is, I keep looking at it and thinking "this is unbearably boring" which doesn 't bode well for my audience. I need to inject some passion into it. Then it will be EXCITING and DYNAMIC and NOT SHIT.

I wish I was on the other side of the world. *sigh*

Still, my gorgeous guitar teacher is coming over later and I will enjoy playing with him. In a manner of speaking.


Caro said...

Good luck with your presentation.

If it's boring, I'm sure it's because of the subject you have to write it on, not because of you.

livesbythewoods said...

Caro, thank you for your kind words.

One of the things I found out about myself last week on my training course was that my "formal" presentation style is, well, boring.

I talk fast - I have excellent diction so it's understandable, but there's not much animation. I need to work on that!

The TV guy who interviewed me said " have a very high data rate".

I think that means I tend to blast my audience with information, until they look like people in a wind tunnel.

Once I get going I get animated, but when briefing Very Senior People I tend not to let myself get animated. Maybe I should.

livesbythewoods said...

Caro, thank you for your kind words.

One of the things I found out about myself last week on my training course was that my "formal" presentation style is, well, boring.

I talk fast - I have excellent diction so it's understandable, but there's not much animation. I need to work on that!

The TV guy who interviewed me said " have a very high data rate".

I think that means I tend to blast my audience with information, until they look like people in a wind tunnel.

Once I get going I get animated, but when briefing Very Senior People I tend not to let myself get animated. Maybe I should.

livesbythewoods said...

Bollocks. See - high data rate. Twice as much information as you need.

badgerdaddy said...

Yo, word, etc.

KTD sounds great.

I am fucked-up drunk. Yay me!

We are the least qualified to edit our own work what you think is fine will need minimum changes. Perhaps.

Me go sleep npw.