Thursday, 29 September 2011


Me:  When you have an itchy palm on your right hand, does that mean you're going to come into money soon?

Mr WithaY:  Yes, it does.  That, or you've got a burrowing parasite.


A Heron's View said...

An itchy palm might indicate that it is from over use while assisting with the housework :)

rachel said...

In my superstitious family, an itch in your left palm meant money; in your right it meant a falling-out with someone. Scabies is a less interesting alternative.....

livesbythewoods said...

AHV - I think you're right! I should stop all forms of domestic drudgery at once.

Rachel, a falling-out would be tiresome, scabies even more so.

Doll said...

I thought it was only in India that itchy palms meant money :)
May you get lots of it :) :) :)

livesbythewoods said...

Thank you Doll!