We could have a competition maybe?
Name That Green. Now That's What I Call Greenery. Green Or No Green. I have a great format in my head, if only I could come up with a great title.
I might need to call the BBC with my ideas tomorrow.
Anyhoo. Picture 1, an arty leaf shot:
Picture 2, displaying the rhubarb-like stems:
Picture 3. Admire the mighty WithaY vegetable patch! Look upon our works of cultivation and despair, humanity!
The basil's still not dead, which I think is rather impressive.
Also, due to popular demand* I am posting up the photos of the Huge Fire we witnessed the other week.
Scene 1 was taken from inside the coffee shop, Scene 2 was taken from the steps outside the coffee shop. I was all set to run much closer and take Scene 3, but then my brain managed to finally make itself heard and stopped me from endangering my life.
Other news: I am waiting expectantly for our new cleaning team to turn up. I have tidied up specially. When the lady from the agency came round to assess the house the other week, she said "Oh good - they like having to do houses with a bit of dust!"
I was mortified.
Also, am officially back at work today, although I suspect that the work will mostly consist of reassembling my laptop and trying to get back onto the work intranet and email system. I am going up to London on Monday which will be a bit of a big step, but hopefully it will be ok.
Aha. Domestic assistance has arrived. Marvellous. I'll go and put the kettle on.
Bah. Just noticed that this post has the time I started it at the bottom, ie late last night, rather than the time I actully posted it, ie at about 0900 today. If I were more technically competent (and could be arsed) I'd amend it, but sadly I will have to pretend I meant to do it this way.
Yes, I am a time traveller. I hope you're impressed.
*Youngest Sis was grumbling that she hadn't seen them.
Plant - have you tasted the leaves? If they taste like uncooked Bramley cooking apple then it's a sorrel. But it also looks a bit like a plant called Good King Henry (google for images and see if it matches). God only knows what that tastes like...
I agree - I'd go for Good King Henry. That can be used as a substitute for spinach and I think it's perennial, but no idea if it's worth eating.
Mrs J, Z, thank you both for your helpful suggestions. I was hoping you'd comment!
I have gone back out and looked at the Mystery Plant and I don't think it is Good King Henry, though.
The leaves look different to the ones I found on a Google image search, so I wil have to wait and see if it produces any flowers.
My photos are not brilliant, I will take some more indoors and see if they are a bit more helpful.
I thought your mystery plant looked alota lota like sorrel, as for good king Henry.....didn't he have a beard?
It looks highly poisonous to me!
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