Remember? Yeah you do.
Anyway. Look...
Westminster Abbey looking rather glorious in the afternoon sunshine.
Parliament Square, with riot police:
And some shots of the inside of the Royal Society, where they had the grandest ceilings ever.
I'm not kidding.
And they had some incredible techno firewood.
Other news: Went to our friend's memorial on Saturday evening. It was very well-attended, many friends and family were there, as well as a big crowd of people from the village.
Right at the end of the evening one of our aeronautical neighbours sent up a procession of large square lantern balloon things, about 5 feet high (or so it looked from where I was) with a fire basket underneath. They drifted up and off in a long curving line towards Shaftesbury, where they hung in the air for ages, the lights getting smaller and smaller before vanishing completely.
It was very beautiful and very fitting.
What else? Oh, Mr WithaY's hand is causing a little concern. He went back to the local hospital this morning to get them to take a look, but they were reassuring and seem to think everything is ok.
We did a little bit of gardening yesterday, not much, just pulled out some of the bigger weeds (the ones that were as tall as me), then sat on a bench out the back and discussed Plans For The Garden. We are remarkably good at Plans. We Planned for quite some time, then decided we were too poor/lazy/lacking in fingers to do any serious gardening for a while.
The big plan for tomorrow is that I am going to get my hair cut in Salisbury, as it is 3 months since the last fab styling experience at Toni and Guy's. And then we are going to the pictures to see Night at the Museum 2. Well, the first one was a laugh. And this one has Christopher Guest in it! Hurrah! How can it not be great?
Also, I made soup. Mushroom, with loads of garlic. Was lovely.
those are awesome shots!
i have GOT to see London one day..
Slyde, it really is a beautiful city. And great for walking around, if you wear sensible shoes. I'll take you out for a cup of tea and a scone when you get over here!
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